The Shining 原版小说


take her arm and lead her away; presumably to his inner office。

〃Whooo!〃 Wendy said; smiling。 〃Theres a dude who earns his money。〃

〃But he didnt like that lady;〃 Danny said immediately。 〃He was just

pretending to like her。〃

Jack grinned down at him。 〃Im sure thats true; doc。 But flattery is the

stuff that greases the wheels of the world。〃

〃Whats flattery?〃

〃Flattery;〃 Wendy told him; 〃is when your daddy says he likes my new yellow

slacks even if he doesnt or when he says I dont need to take off five pounds。〃

〃Oh。 Is it lying for fun?〃

〃Something very like that。〃

He had been looking at her closely and now said: 〃Youre pretty; Mommy。〃 He

frowned in confusion when they exchanged a glance and then burst into laughter。

〃Ullman didnt waste much flattery on me;〃 Jack said。 〃e on over by the

window; you guys。 I feel conspicuous standing out here in the middle with my

denim jacket on。 I honest to God didnt think thered be anybody much here on

closing day。 Guess I was wrong。〃

〃You look very handsome;〃 she said; and then they laughed again; Wendy putting

a hand over her mouth。 Danny still didnt understand; but it was okay。 They were

loving each other。 Danny thought this place reminded her of somewhere else

(the beak…man place)

where she had been happy。 He wished he liked it as well as she did; but he

kept telling himself over and over that the things Tony showed him didnt always

e true。 He would be careful。 He would watch for something called Redrum。 But

he would not say anything unless he absolutely had to。 Because they were happy;

they had been laughing; and there were no bad thoughts。

〃Look at this view;〃 Jack said。

〃Oh; its gorgeous! Danny; look!〃

But Danny didnt think it was particularly gorgeous。 He didnt like heights;

they made him dizzy。 Beyond the wide front porch; which ran the length of the

hotel; a beautifully manicured lawn (there was a putting green on the right)

sloped away to a long; rectangular swimming pool。 A CLOSED sign stood on a

little tripod at one end of the pool; closed was one sign he could read by

himself; along with Stop; Exit; Pizza; and a few others。