The Shining 原版小说


believed be had met the limo…drivers mother in a New Orleans house of


Then he was ahead and out of danger and suddenly aware that he had wet his


In Halloranns mind the thought kept repeating


but it began to fade off the way a radio station will as you approach the

limits of its broadcasting area。 He became fuzzily aware that his car was

tooling along the soft shoulder at better than fifty miles an hour。 He guided it

back onto the road; feeling the rear end fishtail for a moment before regaining

the position surface。

There was an A&W Rootbeer stand just ahead。 Hallorann signaled and turned in;

his heart thudding painfully in his chest; his face a sickly gray color。 He

pulled into a parking slot; took his handkerchief out of his pocket; and mopped

his forehead with it。

(Lord God!)

〃May I help you?〃

The voice startled him again; even though it wasnt the voice of God but that

of a cute little carhop; standing by his open window with an order pad。

〃Yeah; baby; a rootbeer float。 Two scoops of vanilla; okay?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃 She walked away; hips rolling nicely beneath her red nylon


Hallorann leaned back against the leather seat and closed his eyes。 There was

nothing left to pick up。 The last of it had faded out between pulling in here

and giving the waitress his order。 All that was left was a sick; thudding

headache; as if his brain had been twisted and wrung out and hung up to dry。

Like the headache hed gotten from letting that boy Danny shine at him up there

at Ullmans Folly。

But this had been much louder。 Then the boy had only been playing a game with

him。 This had been pure panic; each word screamed aloud in his bead。

He looked down at his arms。 Hot sunshine lay on them but they had still goose…

bumped。 He had told the boy to call him if he needed help; he remembered that。

And now the boy was calling。

He suddenly wondered how he could have left that boy up there at all; shining