The Shining 原版小说



The needle inside the greasy; almost opaque dial had danced up to two hundred

and fifteen pounds per square inch。

Another memory occurred to him; a childhood memory。 There had been a wasps

nest in the lower branches of their apple tree behind the house。 One of his

older brothers — he couldnt remember which one now — had been stung while

swinging in the old tire Daddy had hung from one of the trees lower branches。

It had been late summer; when wasps tend to be at their ugliest。

Their father; just home from work; dressed in his whites; the smell of beer

hanging around his face in a fine mist; had gathered all three boys; Brett;

Mike; and little Jacky; and told them he was going to get rid of the wasps。

〃Now watch;〃 he had said; smiling and staggering a little (he hadnt been

using the cane then; the collision with the milk truck was years in the future)。

〃Maybe youll learn something。 My father showed me this。〃

He had raked a big pile of rain…dampened leaves under the branch where the

wasps nest rested; a deadlier fruit than the shrunken but tasty apples their

tree usually produced in late September; which was then still half a month away。

He lit the leaves。 The day was clear and windless。 The leaves smoldered but

didnt really burn; and they made a smell — a fragrance that had echoed back to him

each fall when men in Saturday pants and light Windbreakers raked leaves

together and burned them。 A sweet smell with a bitter undertone; rich and

evocative。 The smoldering leaves produced great rafts of smoke that drifted up

to obscure the nest。

Their father had let the leaves smolder all that afternoon; drinking beer on

the porch and dropping the empty Black Label cans into his wifes plastic

floorbucket while his two older sons flanked him and little Jacky sat on the

steps at his feet; playing with his Bolo Bouncer and singing monotonously over

and over: 〃Your cheating heart 。。。 will make you weep 。。。 your cheating

heart 。。。 is gonna tell on you。〃

At quarter of six; just before supper; Daddy had gone out to the apple tree

with his sons grouped carefully behind him。 In one hand he had a garden hoe。 He

knocked the leaves apart; leaving little clots spread around to smolder and die。

Then he reached the hoe handle up; weaving and blinking; and after two or three

tries he knocked the nest to the ground。