The Shining 原版小说


moment later there were running footsteps on the stairs。 Wendy Torrance at first

shrank back against him and then began to stumble down the main corridor to the

stairs as fast as she could。

〃Danny! Danny! Oh; thank God! Thank God!〃

She swept him into a hug; groaning with joy as well as her pain。


Danny looked at him from his mothers arms; and Hallorann saw how the boy had

changed。 His face was pale and pinched; his eyes dark and fathomless。 He looked

as if he had lost weight。 Looking at the two of them together; Hallorann thought

it was the mother who looked younger; in spite of the terrible beating she had


(Dick — we have to go — run — the place — its going to)

Picture of the Overlook; flames leaping out of its roof。 Bricks raining down

on the snow。 Clang of firebells 。。。 not that any fire truck would be able to

get up here much before the end of March。 Most of all what came through in

Dannys thought was a sense of urgent immediacy; a feeling that it was going to

happen at any time。

〃All right;〃 Hallorann said。 He began to move toward the two of them and at

first it was like swimming through deep water。 His sense of balance was screwed;

and the eye on the right side of his face didnt want to focus。 His jaw was

sending giant throbbing bursts of pain up to his temple and down his neck; and

his cheek felt as large as a cabbage。 But the boys urgency had gotten him

going; and it got a little easier。

〃All right?〃 Wendy asked。 She looked from Hallorann to her son and back to

Hallorann。 〃What do you mean; all right?〃

〃We have to go;〃 Hallorann said。

〃Im not dressed 。。。 my clothes。。。〃

Danny darted out of her arms then and raced down the corridor。 She looked

after him; and as he vanished around the corner; back at Hallorann。 〃What if he

es back?〃

〃Your husband?〃

〃Hes not Jack;〃 she muttered。 〃Jacks dead。 This place killed him。 This

damned place。〃 She struck at the wall with her fist and cried out at the pain in

her cut fingers。 〃Its the boiler; isnt it?〃

〃Yes; maam。 Danny says its going to explode。〃